The brevity of life is unbelievable. Life is so fragile - and we don't even know it. We often times notice this when it's too late or it is close to being too late.
I honestly believe that God is so great in situations where life is taken away from us or compromised. This has been really interesting to me as of late. After loosing Honey Gran last September (which, I cannot believe it has been a year on the 12th!) I have been reminded that life is something that only my Maker could have created.
Although loss and struggle is such a complex and harsh reality, I believe that this is one of God's most shining moments. He shows us that there He is waiting for us. He is there to comfort us. To console us. To be there for us in a way that no human is capable of. All other comfort is a mere glimpse of what he is placing through those who are surrounding us.
A friend was in a car wreck yesterday and it is another reminder that life is not ours but His. Thankfully she is okay but it is still such an eye opener. She is in the ICU and prayers are being sent to God constantly. I just know it. It reminds me that we are to live our life not for each other but for Him. He gives and He can take away. This friend is honestly one of the sweetest and most loving people I have ever met. Although we are not close she is known to be this way by all.
I believe God puts these situations in our lives on purpose. To give us a quick reality check and remind us that He is a force to be reckoned with.
C.S. Lewis once said, "In the Christian story God descends to reascend. He goes down to come up again & bring the whole ruined world up with Him"
He only left us to come back for us. What an awesome God we have to sacrifice everything for OUR forgiveness.
I love my life! I want to live each day to the fullest! I want to make the best of each and every day I live!
So today,
I am now dedicating myself to making someone else's day better. Making someone else feel beautiful. Making someone else feel so SPECIAL.... Because they are!
Everyone deserves to feel uniquely loved, simply because they are and they have the right to know it!
I hope to keep you updated with my journey in this.
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