I have fall break this week and I'm going to New York with Sissy. I am so so excited considering it's my first real time in the city that never sleeps!
I have so many fun things planned that I hope to blog about soon.
Until then.. Here are some inspiration for fall fashion and stuff that I just liked :)

Oh how I can't wait to wear big comfy sweaters and high boots. But how precious is this little brunette cutie with the black flats and khaki trench? Awww I melt.
This week I think I'll be wearing lots of black jeans and jean shorts with tights like above. I love her use of leopard which I think will be re-appearing in this fall's fashion a lot more than last year. I can't get enough of it. Meeeeee-ow mix.

Really loving the colors of this leather tote. Also mixed with the Chanel-esque knit coat, and again the jean shorts and tights I think will be a reoccurring theme this fall. Her skin is to die for! Such a pretty color. Scarf is a great color!

Something I am and always have been a fan of - ARMY GREEN - is back this fall! I have an army coat I cant wait to sport. The motorcycle Balenciaga is gorgeous and the leather pants pull it all together. The boots are pretty wicked, too... I must say I'd love to ad some of those to my closet this week. Jeffery Campbell has some amazing styles for this fall season that I've been lusting over for weeks.... HmmmM
Obsessed with the neck of this coat. All black is a definite fave of mine with a splash of the leopard. Yumm yum fall weather... And a hot latte from Starbucks would make this scene perfection.
GREEN with ENVY over that gorgeous coat. This fabulous lady does it all right... Classy but short and sweet. The hair is amazing! I'm all about the big volume hair. I like her crocodile bag as well.. I'm taking my vintage Croc bag to NYC this week for when me and mom go to dinner! First time I've ever used it so I'm excited to see how I like it since I've stuck to only shoulder satchels as of late...
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