Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ask Yourself.

Rarely. I need to do this more often. I never thank God in the happy moments. I often find myself fleeing to him for protection or in trouble. I need to be thankful for this day, this bed I'm sitting on, and this roof above my head.

Stop and think about it. What REALLY makes you smile? How often do you smile? Nothing gives me more satisfaction when I find myself smiling when I'm by myself. No matter what it may be about. But when I find that I can SMILE and be HAPPY in solitude I find so much joy in that moment. Weird... but true...

First of all. How great is that picture above? I wish I was in that crystal blue water right this moment. But I've learned that getting into a daily routine can sometimes make us feel like we are just running through the motions and existing. I like to do something silly each day, keep goals, and laugh so that I do not feel this way. Reevaluate your life and see what makes you tick and what makes you happy. Do more of those things and do them with all you have!

Gosh I feel like I need to be reminded of this each day. It is so easy to get caught up in life's daily battles and struggles that we forget how fortunate we really are. I do not have cancer. I have both of my parents. I am alive. So many blessings in my life to be thankful for!

I attempt to try something new every day. I love trying new things! How will you know that you don't like something until you try it?

I'm a firm believer that crying can be like therapy - it can release feelings you did not know you had and it can free you. I believe crying shows strength. When I see someone I care about or respect cry it definitely shows their passion for something. I love that about crying.

Most definitely. My life has been full of so many fun memories lately. The things I've done that I feel are most memorable are those that I actually did not plan and were much more spur of the moment, with my best friends, and usually involved laughing.

Neon, Neon


Caroline Aline Johnston
I am the third Caroline in my family.
My name means "little and womanly."


I'm 20 years old
I feel like I have the enthusiasm for life of a 13 year old with the mind and level-headedness of a 35 year old. It's exhausting choosing which I want to be.


Born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee.
I'm convinced it's one of God's favorite cities.
I get home sick for my city when I am away at college - there's nothing like Nashville.

My Cliff Note Autobiography...

Thus far I feel as though I have lived many more years than my driver's license states.
The product of two of the most talkative human beings you will ever meet.
Born in Nashville, attended private school my whole life, I consider myself privileged.
My favorite person in my life, and hero, is my grandmother - Honey Gran - who passed away in September of 2009. She was my soundboard and my best friend.
My sister is another extremely influential person in my life: she was born deaf and then had two surgeries at ages 7 and 8 to correct and rebuild her ear drums. She is a miracle and everyday inspiration! Not to mention hysterically funny...
Graduated in 2008 from an all girls Catholic high school, although I am not Catholic...
Now attend The University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
I enjoy children, God, fashion, traveling, live music, laughing and more importantly, making others laugh.
Good morals through action speak louder than any words.
I laugh every. single. day.

5 things that make my heart flutter...

1. the mere thought of starting a family with a man I love
2. an hour before and after sunset, any location is fine
3. spending time at my family's home in Naples, Florida
4. tree houses and play houses

5. John Mayer's "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room" - even better acoustic

My dream dinner party...

My dream dinner party would start at sunset and last until late at night. It would be in a flat area surrounded by tall, tall trees that had small white paper lanterns strung from limb to limb. There would be white table cloths with huge centerpieces of peonies and roses. Champagne flutes everywhere. Mint mojitos galore. The meal would consist of healthy and organic foods - delicious and satiating. Pinkberry served for dessert of course. In attendance would be: Honey Gran (my grandmother), F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sienna Miller, Karl Lagerfeld, George Clooney, Chip Wilkison, and Lady GaGa. Honey Gran would want belly shots before the night was over ha!

In ten years I will be...

30. With children. A handsome and sweet husband. Living a very fulfilling life. Laughing about my 20's and looking forward to my 40's with a defined career involved in media or music media. Possibly with a boutique or small specialty shop. I hope to be cooking up feast nightly for my kids and family and enjoying Nashville nights on my back porch. Loving life... regardless!

I am neo-traditional because...

I'd rather talk to someone face to face any day of the week. Social networking and texting get old far too quick.

I believe that there are no mistakes in life because you learn from every little thing, and if you don't learn from it the first time - the second time shows you that you were not paying very good attention.

"From mixed drinks to techno beats, it's always heavy into everything..."