Monday, December 20, 2010

I Was Perfect. The Black Swan

I finally saw The Black Swan. I have been waiting for this day for weeks however, I was still not prepared for the mind game(s) it was about to play on me. 

The movie was so beautifully done and the acting by Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis was incredible. I cannot wait to see how many Oscars this movie wins! It was honestly the best movie I have seen in years, if not, ever. I saw it twice in one day. 

This movie was so complex and detailed, too. Little details such as the reoccurring theme of black and white was so interesting to me. Nina (Portman) usually wore white because she was the more pure character in the film. Whereas, Lily (Kunis) wore all black usually because she was the more expressive and lively ballerina. The colors also changed because Nina eventually wore grey in the transition from White Swan to Black Swan. It was a really interesting detail to me. 

I had never felt so involved in a movie in my entire life. I felt Natalie Portman's pain and I welled with tears when she succeeded. Her expression is so visible on screen and literally had me and all 3 of my friends at the edge of our seats throughout the entire movie. She made me feel like I were right there with her experiencing it first-hand: every movie-goer's dream come true. Portman's purity is so transparent and appears so real throughout the entire movie. She is so expressive in her attention to detail.  

"This is me seducing you... Now... you seduce me"

Although extremely twisted, Black Swan proved many points.
 ... Including every girl needs a little bit of a bad side... 

"Loose yourself"
Nina eventually sacrifices herself to literally become the black swan that she is told to be. Her ballerina jewelry box signifies this as it breaks, showing that she is only to do her art; dance as her characters. Sometimes it is okay for us just to feel something and loose ourselves in that moment... as long as we are able to bring ourselves back from it... 

This movie also showed such dedication and that if you really want something you can achieve it 

This quote fits the film so perfectly. Nina become so enthralled in her character that she lose herself mentally and physically. Although 
the mental battle eventually defined her and complicated her.


Such an elegantly twisted movie! You must go see it. Go on, quickly! Before you hear the ending from someone else... 
But I do advise you to be ready for a small therapy sesh when it is all said and done ;) 



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